Master your projects: A guide to modern Project Management methods 

Effective project management is often the key to success in the business world. With the right approach, teams can overcome challenges, drive innovation and achieve outstanding results. In this blog post, we look at different project management methods and how they can be applied in different working environments.

Education and trends in project management 

Project management has evolved drastically over the last years. Traditional methods such as the waterfall model used to dominate, but today flexible, agile approaches such as Scrum and Kanban are prevalent in many industries.  

Waterfall model:  

The waterfall method is a sequential approach in the world of software development and project management, where each phase of the project is completed in turn before the next one begins. This is ideal for projects with clear requirements and a low probability of change. 

The waterfall model begins with the requirements analysis. This is where the foundation for the project is laid: Requirements are carefully collected and documented. This step is crucial, as changes in later phases can be complex and cost intensive. This is followed by the system design. A detailed design of the system is created based on the recorded requirements. This is where the architecture, individual modules, interfaces, and data flows are decided. This phase determines how the final product will look and function. After the design comes the implementation. This is the phase in which the ideas are brought to life. Once implementation is complete, the integration and testing phase begins. The assembled system is put through its paces to ensure that it works flawlessly. This is a crucial step to guarantee the quality and reliability of the product. Successful testing is followed by deployment. The system is used in a production environment and made accessible to users. This shows how well the previous phases have been carried out. Finally comes maintenance. This phase includes the correction of errors and the implementation of updates and adjustments that are necessary to keep the system up-to-date and functional. 

The clear structure and simplicity of the waterfall model make it easy to understand and implement. Each phase has specific results and a review, which facilitates planning and monitoring. The model also results in comprehensive documentation. 

However, there are also challenges. The inflexibility of the model can be problematic if changes to the requirements become necessary after the start of the project. Risks and problems may remain unrecognized for a long time, as the final  product only becomes visible at the end of the process. In addition, the maintenance phase can be complex, especially if errors were overlooked during development. 

Agile methods:  

Agile methodology represents a revolutionary approach in the world of project management, characterized by flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement. Originally developed specifically for the software industry, it has since found its way into many other areas of work. At the heart of the agile philosophy is the “Agile Manifesto”, which sets out fundamental values and principles. 

The value of individuals and interactions is paramount. This principle emphasizes the importance of teamwork and direct, effective communication over rigid processes and tools. Agile teams work closely together, often in daily meetings, to discuss progress and overcome challenges. Another key point is prioritizing working software over comprehensive documentation. Agile focuses on quickly delivering a working product that meets customer requirements, rather than creating extensive and detailed documentation that often quickly becomes outdated. Customer collaboration is also strongly emphasized. Agile methods encourage close collaboration with the customer throughout the development process. This close cooperation makes it possible to continuously adapt the product to the customer’s feedback and needs. Finally, agility places great emphasis on responding to change. Unlike traditional methods that follow a fixed plan, agile teams are designed to respond flexibly to changes and unforeseen challenges. The most popular agile methods include Scrum and Kanban. Scrum is a framework that focuses on short iterations, known as sprints, in which teams complete specific tasks in set periods of time. Kanban, on the other hand, focuses on the continuous flow of work and the visual management of tasks. The advantages of the agile methodology are manifold. Teams that work in an agile way are able to react quickly to market changes or new customer requirements. Constant customer contact and regular feedback ensure that the final product precisely meets the customer’s needs. Continuous reflection and adaptation of the work process also leads to constant improvement of the team and the product. 

In a constantly changing world, the agile methodology offers a flexible and efficient approach to project development. It is ideal for projects where requirements and objectives are not fully defined or are subject to constant change. In such dynamic environments, agile allows for more effective and efficient development, as opposed to more traditional, rigid methods such as the waterfall model. 

Lean Management:  

Lean management is a comprehensive management philosophy that was originally developed in the Japanese automotive industry, particularly by Toyota. This approach has become established in various industries worldwide and aims to maximize customer value while minimizing waste in all forms. Lean Management focuses on the continuous improvement of processes and the efficient design of workflows. 

The first principle of lean management focuses on defining value from the customer’s perspective. Products or services should be tailored precisely to this customer benefit. This involves understanding the customer’s needs precisely and aligning all company activities accordingly. Another important aspect is the elimination of waste. Waste refers to anything that does not create value for the customer, such as overproduction, waiting times, unnecessary movements,   or superfluous process steps. Lean management strives to identify and eliminate these inefficiencies. The concept of continuous improvement, known as Kaizen, is also a central component of Lean. It involves constantly questioning workflows and processes and optimizing them in small but steady steps. Another principle of lean management is respect for people. This approach emphasizes the importance of employees and their active participation in the improvement process. Employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and help design efficient work processes. Standardization also plays an important role. Standardized processes reduce inefficiencies and ensure consistent quality. This standardization in turn forms the basis for continuous improvement. In contrast to traditional push systems, lean promotes so-called pull systems, such as Kanban, in which production is based on actual demand and not on forecasts. This contributes to more efficient and demand-driven production. Finally, lean management promotes flexible processes and structures that enable rapid adaptation to market changes or changing customer needs. 

Hybrid models: 

Hybrid models are a combination of traditional and agile methods to utilize the best of both models. They are designed to offer the best mix of stability, predictability and flexibility to meet the diverse requirements of modern projects. These models arose from the realization that often neither a purely traditional nor an exclusively agile approach is optimal. 

A key advantage of hybrid models is the improved customization to the specific needs of a project. They enable more efficient risk management and increased efficiency by combining the careful planning and documentation of traditional methods with the rapid response and ongoing feedback that characterizes agile methods. Hybrid models also promote a strong customer focus. They allow the customer to be closely involved in the development process while maintaining a structured framework typical of traditional management approaches.  

However, hybrid models also pose challenges. The combination of two different methodologies can lead to increased complexity in management and coordination. In addition, successful implementation requires both the team and the corporate culture to be flexible enough to adapt between the  different ways of working. 

PRINCE2 (Projects IN Controlled Environments): 

PRINCE2 (Projects IN Controlled Environments) is a renowned and globally applied project management method that is characterized by a highly structured and process-oriented approach. Originally developed for the needs of the UK government, PRINCE2 has established itself as a flexible and comprehensive method for managing a wide range of projects, regardless of their size or complexity. 

At the heart of PRINCE2 are seven processes that cover the entire lifecycle of a project, from initial preparation, initiation and planning through to control, monitoring and finally completion. These processes are designed to enable systematic implementation and control of the project and ensure that all important aspects are considered. 

In addition to these processes, PRINCE2 is based on seven fundamental topics that cover essential areas of project management: Business Case, Organization, Quality, Plans, Risks, Changes and Progress. These themes provide specific guidelines for applying the method in different project situations and ensure that projects are managed effectively and efficiently. 

A key advantage of PRINCE2 is its flexibility. The method can be adapted to different project sizes and complexities, making it suitable for a wide range of projects. PRINCE2 also places great emphasis on clearly defined roles and responsibilities within the project team, which leads to effective communication and a structured way of working. Another key element of PRINCE2 is the regular review of project progress. These reviews serve to ensure that the project remains on track and continues to meet the original business objectives. In addition, PRINCE2 promotes learning from experience. Teams are encouraged to document and use lessons learned from past projects to continuously improve future projects. 

Unlike other methods that focus mainly on activities, PRINCE2 focuses on the delivery of products. This means that the emphasis is on results and their quality, which leads to a product-oriented mindset. 

Guidelines for method selection: 

When choosing the right project management method, you should carefully consider the size and complexity of the project, as these factors will significantly influence the decision. It is equally important to consider the dynamics and experience of your team, as different teams have different strengths and preferences when it comes to project management methods. In addition, the needs and requirements of your clients must be considered; in particular, the need for a flexible approach to respond effectively to changing client needs. 


Choosing the right project management method can be crucial to the success of a project. It is important that teams are open to adaptation and training to keep up with the latest trends. We encourage companies to explore the different methods and choose the one that works best for their team. 
